Lots of Action…

…not many photos.
Abby and I on an early morning 18 mile bike ride on one of the Manitowish Waters trails. Later, rowing and swimming. With Mimi—sewing. Still later, geocaching, campfire starting, followed by home movies.

And then an Aesop fable just prior to skinny-dipping.

A Walk in the Park…

…to tentatively plan, map out, and plant an interpretive trail through the Arboretum At Starin Park in preparation for a big grant application.

And here’s the stump of a bur oak that came down last week of it’s own accord during a stretch of our calm, sunny, and dry weather—after more than 100 years of growing.
Oaks should last hundreds of years, but somehow rot got into this one.

Big Beets…

…and other garden wonders. What with watering and the recent rain, the garden is prospering. Squash have climbed up an over several tomato cages, so we may have something more elevated than low hanging fruit.

BTW, it might be good to disregard my previous TV series recommends since I made them before finishing the series. However, I highly recommend the PBS Masterpiece series Professor T, which we started last night.