All Set Up…

…and ready to go…

For next project. A three-boat kit, moving from easy to semi-difficult. Boat one, a plywood dory. Boat two, a lapstrake Norwegian pram. Boat three, a plank on frame Muscongus Bay lobster smack, also known as a Friendship Sloop, one of my favorite boats. This could be a fun learning curve to follow. (I really enjoyed last year’s Chesapeake Bay skipjack, which had a steep curve.)

A light dusting of snow last night.

More Coding Fun

Using the Swift programming language and a learning supplement called Playground.

Learning to use commands, functions, loops, and conditionals…so far. In the shot above I used a loop to execute an if-then-else conditional to move the character up and forward and to toggle on any switches that were set to off (a condition that varied).
Rather addicting. And now on to the Sphero Bolt robot!
BTW, Swift can control the Bolt (at a rather advanced point in the learning curve).

Another In The Series Of…

…mundane, get-out-of-the-house mini adventures.

Felt a bit like a trip in an alternate universe. Destination: Aztelan Bar and Grill, just a mile north of the ancient mound site of the same name. With the sun breaking out, the landscape seemed unfamiliar. And the bar…I expected a little rustic place with maybe a few farmers holding down the bar stools. Instead, a rustic place with a huge interior noisily jam-packed with all kinds of people. And this in the middle of nowhere. The sandwiches were okay, but I didn’t much like the Bloody Mary.

Dismal Weather…

…fog, drizzle, rain, and chill.

In the sad news department, our old friend Rosemary (the shrubby herb) who has been with us for many years was moved out to the compost heap.

Nature’s first green is gold,
Her hardest hue to hold.
Her early leaf’s a flower;
But only so an hour.
Then leaf subsides to leaf.
So Eden sank to grief,
So dawn goes down to day.
Nothing gold can stay.