Slowly But Methodically…
…end of season tasks are being done.
Today, Windrider power washed and put to bed, garage straightened, sailing gear stowed away.
Beautiful day, with a brisk north wind. Warm in the sun.
…end of season tasks are being done.
Today, Windrider power washed and put to bed, garage straightened, sailing gear stowed away.
Beautiful day, with a brisk north wind. Warm in the sun.
…at the Anishinaabe hotel and conference center in Little Current, with Therese. Very nice, and with food prepared by a skilled chef.
Later, after naps, Windrider hauled. .
Long after a beautiful morning here, it was to Barrie Island for a picnic lunch (plus).
Photo by Sue
Although Barrie is remote and mostly empty, it is not a lonely or foreboding place. Instead, with its meadows, fields of stone, and very large pastures, it is a friendly place—a place of peace and tranquility. Two beautiful mini-parks grace its west end, overlooking Bayfield Sound.
…of the trimaran.
From shore to shining shore, all across the bay, in shifty but sometimes decent winds. While fall is seemingly here, summer lingers.
Not enough wind for a sail, but plenty for a trip to the dump.
Also good day for bike ride and row/paddle.
Very quiet in the township. Pinebox shut down, and the contingent heading south. Goldenrod done for the year, asters still flowering.
Bright day, and warm, with a cool NW wind.
Water is chilly. Fall is in the air.
Pinebox is packed up, and waterline out. Departure tomorrow.
garbage to the dump, hot dog and poutine with Bob and Wendy at first ever Saturday evening market. Beautiful weather, not fully utilized.
Toilet reassembled— but possibly leaking. Nice afternoon for a row.
…and lack of it, trying to repair the toilet on Heliotrope. Nasty bit of work, wedged upside down it what is basically a cabinet, where normal sized tools don’t fit. Got it apart but saved assembly for tomorrow.
Photo by Sue
Photo by Sue
…with a strong west wind. Fire in the stove tonight, quite possibly.
But at least one bright spot.
Lively sail once out of Mudge Bay, tacking down wind in brisk NE breeze and good sized rollers. 3.5 hours door to door. Some fun overtaking another boat (although smaller) coming across the channel.
Strenuous exercise, and then we stripped the sails (wanting to beat the rain). Photo by Sue.
Mast down on Lollipop, Heliotrope heading to GorB tomorrow. Crickets. Shorter days. Chilly water. Lots of ant lions.
…the beautiful autumn pair.
…on the neighborly end of the new lot. Plus some non-wind boating.
While we are decidedly not pro ant (and have traps scattered about the house), today we decided to play their part in the fable and restock the woodshed.
Vastly cooler weather made this possible. Huge old ash over in the new lot will provide a great many BTUs over the coming cold periods.
…of the season on Heliotrope, quite probably, today with Therese. Plenty wind, even with just jib and mizzen. (Photo by Pat Hess)
Once again, very warm, but this time with a big south wind. Ultra fast Windriding. But, before that, Mimi’s fav—chips.
Hot, sunny, humid, and mostly calm. Good day for swimming. (Photos by Sue)