… including a firewood rack, on a cool but bright day, leaving just enough time for a bike ride before dark.
… including a firewood rack, on a cool but bright day, leaving just enough time for a bike ride before dark.
Moderate all night rain, chilly all day clouds. Afternoon a race to get things done before dark.
Fifteen bean soup for supper, and hoping the it won’t make iTunes.
Maybe a little over 4 hours on the road, though with a stop at KwikTrip. Traffic light except around Madison.
Rain in the forecast here.
Ice on Squirrel
…on this still branch of Squirrel Lake.
A few chores and a bit of exploration.
Helping swap out air hockey for ping pong. Hockey out, pong in. Also, assistance with a few other bits of rearranging.
Heard the distinctive cry, but did not make a sighting. Phenologically, I don’t know if this is on time, late, or early. Need to check past records. The main migration has not yet started, quite sure of that.
The turnover continues, very slowly.
Pretty much a day that got away—on account of an afternoon trip to Janesville—for yogurt, birdseed, and fabric, none of which was needed immediately.
…or autumn sky?
Considering the strong south wind and unseasonably warm temperature, I’d say Autumn. Good for a bit more turning of the garden soil, and a bike ride (going across the wind mostly).
Above, a little industrialized space observed on the bike ride. There are countless places like this everywhere—home to weeds, a cricket or two, and maybe a few pill bugs. Nature strives.
…leaves to the dump. (Actually, to the compost site, but when it comes to headlines meter is important. )
Sail loft on S Michigan Ave. —huge loft area in an ancient and dilapidating building—and where the Heliotrope sails were built maybe 20 or more years ago. Time for some refurbishment. But too much time spent in the car.
…about the unseasonable weather, especially when it’s so nice.
Below, both sides of a game trail crossing a bike path.
Who goes here?
Determined to do some drawing, here’s a first attempt using DaVinci Eye app.
Here are the flowers now blooming on the witch hazel.
Here’s the trailer, full up and ready to haul to the compost site.
And here I am inspecting the downed Territorial Oak.
Beautiful day here. World famous waffles for breakfast, but produced by chefs other than me. We had a young but skilled barista contributing to the experience as well. A few flubs along the way, but the end product was beyond good.
Also, Abby’s family podcast—Sibling Stories, is now online, with Lou as emcee, and its great—a family heirloom.
More to come tomorrow.
Warm up for tomorrow’s big party.
…or, view from the feeder.
Visited the remains of the famous Territorial Oak as they now lie at the City garage, ultimately to become part of an Arb playground. One big slice will also become the backing of the Arb “Recognition Tree.”
Tons of carbon sequestered in this little sprout.
Overnight rain, mist and drizzle all day, thunderstorm this afternoon.
Non-native crab apple, thus not a source of food for any native critters
Some streets flooded, but that could be a result of leaves blocking drains.
Above, evidence that the yard crew, in spite of the moisture, attended to Vi/Anna’s yard. Leaves know no boundaries, but workers do.
APT, near Spring Green.
Beautiful location, beautiful theater, good script, and fine acting. But, not being a great fan of live drama, I felt stuck in a bit of slow motion and was ready to join a standing ovation right about half time. Play was called “Proof.”
There are benefits to broadforking a garden. But having only a narrow fork, the chore has been divvied up over a number of days.
Amazing the number of roots and rootlets that manage to creep under the fence to grab nutrients theoretically allocated to food crops.
…of a cow—and it’s only 5:30.
Light south wind, mostly cloudy, cool. Some Arboretum work.
But a good Bloody Mary at Chuck’s in Fontana.
…from behind some of our bushes to alongside the wall in Vi and Anna’s yard.
Dim kind of a day.