Colder Than…

…Christmas in Canada?

The roads around here, including the highways, are exceptionally bad; don’t know if I’ve ever seen worse. Inches thick, hardpacked cap replete with humps and holes. The result, I think, of heavy wet snow being driven over before plows could get to it —then flash frozen. Looks like a good week of going nowhere fast.

Meanwhile, Sue baked a cake and put it out to cool, and in less than a minute it was frosted.

Big Chill

Serious cold. Necessary, but hard…on wildlife and domesticated persons.

We did venture out mid-morning, for a bite of breakfast and to pick up some birdseed. The breakfast was probably silly, but the birdseed necessary.

A great many birds along the shoulders of every road. My theory is two-fold: one—birds don’t like settling in deep snow and prefer the more solid ground where the plow has passed, and two—it’s warmer down along the roadside, especially on the occasional bare spot where solar energy has warmed the ground.

Digging Out

Lots and lots of snow.

This morning’s snow removal was a neighborhood effort, everyone helping everyone else. The somewhat fragile older neighbors several door down were unable to get their blower out of their shed and were trying to dig by hand. The plow pile at the end of their drive was waist high and packed hard. Even two-stage, gas- powered Big Bertha had to chew on it a while. And nothing is going to get softer over the next day or two.

Time To Stop Complaining, eh?

But, that would be uncharacteristic, so I’ll have to switch to complaining about winter, especially with the deep cold coming.

Had to drive to J’ville for a derm. appt. at 7 this morning. Not exactly a sleigh ride or what you would call easy sledding, but with new tires and all-wheel drive, pretty much a piece of cake.

Above, dough ready for forming into q pizza crust. The dough turned out good, but the rest of the pizza making should be left to the experienced experts.

Snow Hype

Lots of talk of a big snowstorm. Grocery store crowded. But we’ll see.

Me and my E-blower are looking forward to a challenge. But if not up to the task, the old, donated 2-stage clunker sits in Anna’s garage, and, with a little persuasion, might actually start. Perhaps more than a dusting coming this way? Full report tomorrow.


Mild day with a little melting, but Packers on TV, plus college basketball, plus startup of new TV series seasons.

Around here we like to watch an episode after supper before reading. Tonight, new seasons of shows like All Creatures.
And, there is a hint of some actual weather coming our way. Exciting.

Trial Run…

…of electric snowblower bought long ago when it looked like winter might be on its way.

In brief, it works. Only about and inch of wet, slushy stuff, but the machine did its job pretty well. After two driveways and a stretch of sidewalk the batteries still seemed to be at full charge. Would love to put this little E-blower up against a foot or two of regular snow.

Jolly Green Neighbors

Organizational meeting of a few folks interested in working on climate change. Good guys, interesting conversation, and…something may come of it, but we’ll see. One idea is a group called “Heat Pump Buddies” comprised of all of us in the area who are thinking of upgrading to heat pumps.

Below, my second attempt at sourdough. Haven’t tasted it yet, but I think I’m getting the hang of it.

R and R

Rest and recuperation.

The sick one mending, the not-yet-sick one trying to dodge the germ. A new batch of sourdough off to a terrific start, and the keys on the Aerophone seeming to be in the right place.
But, overall, rather quite around here.

Here’s an article from the Nation Magazine from January, 1970, recently sent to me by a friend from that time. Some might find it interesting. Gigline