Growth Spurt

Eighty degrees and sunny, so things are growing.

Including fellow traveler Rhubarb, who along with Maple, provided needed spring nourishment for the first people. For us, pie is just around the corner.
It is that odd time of year when shade seems necessary but is not yet available. But shade is coming soon.
In other news, the hat I forgot yesterday is being well cared for.

High Winds—Dramatic Clouds…

…occasional spatter of rain. Nice day on the planet. Thanks to the wind, the second half of my bike ride required no pedaling.

Mimi up north. For me, an Americano and scone at Sharla’s coffeeshop, a couple hours of research (at Fort library), the initial steps in an attempt to propagate clones of Vi’s/Anna’s spectacular flowering crab tree, a major and long-delayed cleaning of the home coffee machine—and, the bike ride.

Bird Feeder Down

Out of seed at last. Feeder in for cleaning and repair. I’m guessing that over 200 pounds of seed passed through it this season. (Why don’t I keep better records?)

Chippy might be the most disappointed, but quite sure he has a storehouse full.

Believe I saw two Ruby Crowned Kinglets yesterday, on their way north. Sunny and warm today.


…though not totally.

Only about 80% here in SE Wisconsin, but perfect conditions—no clouds, warmish temps. Mimi made a pinhole camera obscura, while I went for a slotted spoon. Very strange and eerie half-light for about an hour.
Cosmologically, a total eclipse is sure to be a rarity in the universe; having the right size moon positioned at the precise distance to block the sun’s disk can’t be too common, even among the billions of billions.