Well Moisturized

Maybe two inches of rain overnight.

This not uncommon spring weather pattern, has, I’m glad to say, exhibited itself maybe three times so far this spring. Moisture from the Gulf slides up in a wide band all the way from Rockport to Sault Ste. Marie (and points north).
Last night the band kept sliding past us here in Whitewater just a bit to the west. For an hour or two we got lightning and thunder but no rain. But then the general eastward movement of the band brought it over us and we had wind and lots of rain, making everything even greener, and, ideally filling up the big lakes.

In further news, a large and noisy flock of gold finches has descended on the neighborhood. Perhaps they were brought and dropped here by the storm.

Photo Workshop…

…set up by Renee for the Merton 4-H group. Great kids, great fun, and, since each kid will be entering the county fair photo contest, a whole lot of winners.

Potential prizewinner by Ellie.

Beautiful spring shot by Maddie.

And an incredible shot by Becca who found a tiny toy tractor by a path and turned it into a certain blue ribbon.

Growth Spurt

Eighty degrees and sunny, so things are growing.

Including fellow traveler Rhubarb, who along with Maple, provided needed spring nourishment for the first people. For us, pie is just around the corner.
It is that odd time of year when shade seems necessary but is not yet available. But shade is coming soon.
In other news, the hat I forgot yesterday is being well cared for.

High Winds—Dramatic Clouds…

…occasional spatter of rain. Nice day on the planet. Thanks to the wind, the second half of my bike ride required no pedaling.

Mimi up north. For me, an Americano and scone at Sharla’s coffeeshop, a couple hours of research (at Fort library), the initial steps in an attempt to propagate clones of Vi’s/Anna’s spectacular flowering crab tree, a major and long-delayed cleaning of the home coffee machine—and, the bike ride.