
…sunny, warm, and still. (Not my favorite weather.) Younger folks off to Providence Bay. Older ones cooling their heels off the end of the dock. Below, a few older photos: Joe Pye weed (roadside), boneset (along the shore), and wild sweet pea (on hill above marina).


…by big stink-potters. So we sailed the Windrider instead.

And we were able to get the Windrider out of its slip thanks to warfinger Jim’s hard work cutting and raking weed. Below is just a small sample. According to him, he has already filled a dump truck.

Threat of Rain…

…but threat only.

Oarlock risers on little white dinghy nearly finished; same with Heliotrope porthole screen. Groceries shopped.

Go Kamala.

"The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness."

John Kenneth Galbraith