Duckweed Is Not Slime…

… but the campaign sign, below the duckweed, is.

Duckweed slowly wending its way down Whitewater Creek

The ad below is a fabrication that uses Whitewater to scare potential voters in a way similar to what happened in Springfield, Ohio. I would like the T-rump campaign to pay me $4,781 to compensate for the smear to my community.

MAGA slime handout being distributed in Minocqua and other parts of northern Wisconsin. 

Taking back patriotism.

Friends and Neighbors,
I’m delighted that the Harris campaign has reclaimed the values (or frames) of Freedom and Patriotism. For too long, in my opinion, we have let the anti-American MAGA infection claim these values and their symbols.
True patriotism is more than just flag waving, of course, but we should, in my opinion, actively take back the symbols and be proud to associate the American flag with progressive ideas and candidates.
The Democratic Party of Walworth County now supports the idea of placing American flags in yards along with our progressive candidates’ campaign signs. To my mind such placement will send a message to those confused and low-info voters and to what I call “rote Republicans.” This placement can perhaps help them understand who the true patriots are, and maybe affect their vote.

Asters and Goldenrod

Cornerstone plants for meadows and fields, blooming now when needed, as the days grow short. As RWK asks, why is the world so often beautiful like this when "it could so easily be otherwise.”

Purple and gold.

In other news, dragging a bit after staying up too late watching the debate, and followup. For sure, somebody got their clock cleaned.

Also, I learned how to put cat ladies in their place—Have their pets for dinner.

Off-and-on petite, pretend rain showers.

Sails Off…

Heliotrope, stuff sorted and stowed, winterization partially completed, though slowed by a leak discovered in the potable water system.

Even putting the boat to bed takes a bit of doing.

Barred owl sounding off in the morning twilight, belted kingfisher busy and loud, lots of flickers flitting through the woods, a few nuthatches sounding like barnyard birds, loons calling after dark.

Art Installation…

…on Highway 540 between Kagawong and Gore Bay across from Manitoulin Cedar Products.

Word has it that this billboard is owned and operated by the owners of the jewelry store in GB. The display changes over time.

Meanwhile, cloudy, windy, and cold; motivation for log splitting and firewood stocking. Probably a fire in the stove tonight.

In The Slings…

…about to be hauled. Before that, a stop at the marina for a pump out—the new head works wonders, but, as usual, was barely used.

Even windier today than yesterday, with weather on the way. Sailing yesterday is beginning to look like a good decision.

After transferring items off the boat, a reprise of our frequent spring boat-break picnic lunches in the shelter above Gore Bay beach.

Why Wait…

…for bad weather? Long range forecast not brilliant, so Heliotrope back to Gore Bay today.

Good workout, with wind gusty and mostly on the nose. Every mile earned. But autumn is advancing, and now we no longer have to factor in the weather. And, challenges are actually fun. (NB: an iPhone camera problem means no relevant photos. )