Up North
For lasagna and brownies.
For lasagna and brownies.
Strong south wind. Lots of odds and ends, including obsolete electronics disposal at the county facility. UWW home football game, with all the concomitant action.
…fish fry Friday. How un-Wisconsin is that?
Unrelenting perfect weather.
Little, petal-shaped leaves drifting down like golden snow. Beautiful day in the neighborhood. Perfect weather.
Or maybe not.
Disheartening to see so much of this across rural Wisconsin. Not so much in cities, towns, and suburbs. Could there be a correlation—antisocial in one place and neighborly in another?
Strong north wind, temperatures more in line with fall.
Cranes heard today for the first time, high up, riding the north wind.
A little too warm for this time of year, and for yard and garden work.
According to our neighbor, we had a fox in the backyard yesterday. That may be a good thing because we certainly have plenty of chipmunks and squirrels.
…state trail.
Helenville to Dousman (one way, thanks to an assistant). Eleven and a quarter miles, 50 minutes. Nice day for a ride. Garden reconfiguration also moving along.
Huge CC invitational, and huge VB tournament. Great athletics, E and M!
Progress is slow, but the fencing is coming down. Watch for updates on the replant. Meanwhile, a few recent photos.
It's walnut time
Could this be JD Vance on a surprise visit to town?
Strong NE wind, actually the far outer band of massive storm hurricane Helene, as it moves north and rotates counterclockwise, as all hurricanes in northern hemisphere do.
…bike ride, and squash soup.
A priarie grass, possibly Wood grass
Maxmillian sunflower
Garbage night tonight, and we don’t want to end up like Sarah Cynthia Sylvia Stout .
Photo from Minocqua
Photo from Minocqua
The liittle hybrid Maverick truck performed flawlessly, likes high speed highway driving, and still, over four hours, gave an impressive 40 mpg, even with a bike racked on the back end.
Didn’t get to see the away tennis tournament, but Katy was the only member of her team to win her match.
Nearly 24-hour rain, some of it too heavy for the gutters, along with occasional thunder. One lightning bolt struck very nearby and really rattled the rafters.
From very dry to well watered, but no flooding.
… but the campaign sign, below the duckweed, is.
Duckweed slowly wending its way down Whitewater Creek
The ad below is a fabrication that uses Whitewater to scare potential voters in a way similar to what happened in Springfield, Ohio. I would like the T-rump campaign to pay me $4,781 to compensate for the smear to my community.
MAGA slime handout being distributed in Minocqua and other parts of northern Wisconsin.
Taking back patriotism.
Friends and Neighbors,
I’m delighted that the Harris campaign has reclaimed the values (or frames) of Freedom and Patriotism. For too long, in my opinion, we have let the anti-American MAGA infection claim these values and their symbols.
True patriotism is more than just flag waving, of course, but we should, in my opinion, actively take back the symbols and be proud to associate the American flag with progressive ideas and candidates.
The Democratic Party of Walworth County now supports the idea of placing American flags in yards along with our progressive candidates’ campaign signs. To my mind such placement will send a message to those confused and low-info voters and to what I call “rote Republicans.” This placement can perhaps help them understand who the true patriots are, and maybe affect their vote.
…and everything in its place. Pretty much. Air conditioner in operation, but then summer is still the season.
A 5-minute thunderstorm last night, but still very dry.
…and all the way back, though in the dark.
Above, Manistique.
…when cottaging, but the last day of the season is not one of them.
Waterline out, water system winterized (is winter still a thing?), way too much stuff packed and loaded. Tomorrow we migrate.
…on a day of shutting down and packaging up.
Warm, cloudless, still, dry. Last trip to the dump. Partial fire ban in effect.