Natural Pruning

Last evening’s wild wind contributed to the ongoing pruning of the front yard birch tree. As new growth shades out the lower branches, the lowers give up. Then along comes a wind to shake them loose. Keeps the chiminea fully charged and ready to go.

“If it is not right do not do it; if it is not true do not say it.” 
― Marcus Aurelius, Meditations

“The best revenge is to be unlike him who performed the injury.” 
― Marcus Aurelius, Meditations

“Look well into thyself; there is a source of strength which will always spring up if thou wilt always look.” 
― Marcus Aurelius, Meditations

Coffee Shops

Some are very nice.
I’ve developed an interest since Covid, when the shops were inaccessible. And, I’ve started a list of the best—places worth a visit.
At the top of the list is Tranquil Buzz, in Silver City, New Mexico. Closer to home, but also very good are: Cafe 43 in Mineral Point, 2894 On Main in East Troy, and Sharla’s in Milton (see below). Other recommendations are welcome.

In other news, working to adjust to the new cold-weather regime. Just walking around the big block requires some determination. Quite certain I would not, as some folks do, be dipping in ice water.

Prairie Sunset…

…and rabbit remains.

Two refills on the bird feeder, which seems a lot given the relatively mild conditions—pleasant enough for a very chilly late afternoon bike ride.

Earlier, I sent a comment on the proposed Whitewater Solar Farm to the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin:

I’ve wanted solar on my home for quite a few years, but the site and orientation are not ideal. The next best thing, it seems to me, is community solar, or some kind of public/private partnership, and I’ve been advocating for that nearly as long. But, since neither home or community solar seems likely, it looks like I’ll have to settle for the private corporate variety.
The climate crisis is terrifyingly real to anyone who really pays attention, and we humans face a desperate need to stop warming the planet. Solar power is one proven and effective way to cut back on human caused heat pollution.
Therefore, while the proposed Whitewater solar farm is not my ideal choice, I support it. I would just like to be reassured that the project will not extract value from the community for the benefit of a few and leave us residents and taxpayers with the negative externalities/costs.
Concerns I have include:

  • using American-made equipment, not Chinese,

  • making sure there is a sound, adequately funded end-of-project restoration and recycling plan (bond?)

  • making sure that inverter noise is inaudible at the nearest habitation,

  • using creative and sufficient landscaping and screening,

  • using a method of installation and operation that is beneficial to the land and the community.

This last point might include using the space between panels for things like berry farming (agro-voltaics), limited regenerative grazing, prairie establishment, and the like. The solar farm property could also be a welcoming place for the community with the possibility of a trail or two, a picnic space, and perhaps even a campsite.
I’ve seen the signs opposing the Whitewater solar installation, but in studying the issues I find that mostly they are just NIMBY. A carefully planned and executed solar farm can meet all concerns, and actually be of significant benefit to the community (and the planet).

Lots Of Birds…

…including downey, red-bellied, nuthatch, chickadee, house finch, cardinal, jay, and lots of Little Brown Jobs.
Feeder nearly emptied in half a day.

“Our politics, economics, advertising, and religions (New Age and Old) are awash in credulity. Those who have something to sell, those who wish to influence public opinion, those in power…have a vested interest in discouraging skepticism.

As I've tried to stress, at the heart of science is an essential balance between two seemingly contradictory attitudes-an openness to new ideas, no matter how bizarre or counterintuitive, and the most ruthlessly skeptical scrutiny of all ideas, old and new. This is how deep truths are winnowed from deep nonsense. The collective enterprise of creative thinking and skeptical thinking, working together, keeps the field on track.”
—Carl Sagan

More at: Compendium