Rain all day and much of last night. Even a flood warning. The big question for me is what this implies for Lakes Michigan and Huron. The past two years the Great Lakes have had record ice cover and water levels have risen as a result. This year there will be no ice cover, apparently. But, however, and on the other hand, will all the frequent precip events counteract the lack of ice?
A significant neighborhood ash now among the fallen.
Ice boat work (new rebuilt tandem trailer and Wombat redevelopment) is coming along well, if slowly. But this year slowly seems to be fine as there is no ice on the horizon.
Back to snacks. Char commented on a previous post:
Hello Sweet Sibs and Cousins,
Do you remember Lucy's dates, stuffed with cream cheese and a nut--a walnut, I think--then rolled in powdered sugar. They were a holiday staple, as I recall.
I for one am sure I do remember them, and as is well known, my memory is close to flawless. The memory I have is that of a young kid—and those stuffed dates were somewhat scary looking but tasted heavenly!