Blaze Orange Markers
Cold last night—down to single digits, or nearby. Breeze slowly building from the south this afternoon, with tomorrow predicted to be in the forties.
Ice boating scheduled for tomorrow, and thanks to Mimi's sewing skills we now have a pair of markers that will enable us to set up our own course if there is no official one, or provide Darling marks if so.
Do to a mistaken buying decision about a month ago we are enjoying corned beef and cabbage tonight. (As opposed to the traditional Wisconsin fish-fry.) Summary: way better than I thought.
Sometimes when the boy was troubled he would go
To a little cave of stone above the brook
And build a fire just big enough to glow
Upon the ledge outside, then sit and look.
Below him was the winding silver trail
Of water from the upland pasture springs,
And meadows where he heard the calling quail;
Before him was the sky, and passing wings.
The tang of willow twigs he lighted there,
Fragrance of meadows breathing slow and deep,
The cave's own musky coolness on the air,
The scent of sunlight... all were his to keep.
We had such places — cave or tree or hill...
And we are lucky if we keep them still.
—Glenn W. Dresbach