Cleaning Out the Gutters

Once again, the semi-annual chore.

And clogged they were. It's a cold, wet, thankless job, but rather satisfying, in a way. Apparently all the rain we got yesterday made it through the clogs and down the spouts. It was a significant amount of moisture, and WW creek is full almost to overflowing. Precip good for the big lakes, of course. According the the Canadian Gouvernement weather app, Manitoulin last night got upwards of 3 inches of rain, along with wind gusts of 50 mph. That would have been fun to see.

In the correspondence department:

Kory  Kozloski
Executive Director
Democratic Party of Wisconsin

Dear Mr. Kozloski:

Disappointment doesn’t quite cover it. And more of the same clearly won’t turn things around. 

With the demise of unions and the loss of blue collar white voters, the Democratic coalition has shrunk. Further, the Democratic message (as presented this past election) is not resonating with a large group of people for whom it should be.

I therefore believe it is time for Democratic leadership to concentrate on thinking and acting strategically. The millions of voters who misplaced their core values and lost sight of their self interest, need to be co-opted, or more charitably, reeled back in. This isn’t going to happen through continued “identity politics” or through the current practice of sending emails to the Dem base about this or that latest outrage (and then asking for money). (I’m sure many other liberals are like me in getting tired of the constant barrage of donation requests; instead ask for monthly, semi-annual, or annual contributions and leave it at that.)

We Democrats have to begin talking in ways that don’t immediately turn a bunch of people off. While not compromising on our core values, we need to focus on areas of agreement, and speak in ways that bring potentially reasonable people back to reasonableness.

We need to de-fuse hot button social issues and concentrate on concrete things that ordinary folks can see as sensible and beneficial. We need to rephrase the agenda/re-write the platform. We need to focus on the wellbeing and quality of life of everyone. 

We need some kind of inclusive, team-themed overall approach:

We are all on Team America. There is much we can all agree on to build our country and keep it strong. We can stop bickering and we can pull together, and that way we will all prosper. If we don’t come together as a team we will lose to other competitors. Just as everyone in the U.S. is a Cubs fan, so we can all be America fans

Attached is an initial attempt to draft a winning agenda.




The New America Platform

1.     We are pro-life. Abortion should be avoided if at all possible. This means good sex education and accessible and affordable birth control, both male and female. It means pre-natal support, parental leave, childcare support, and strong adoption programs. The final decision, however, must rest with the woman, her doctor, and her faith—government needs to mind its own business.

2.     We are pro-gun. Americans have the right to own guns for recreational shooting, home protection, and hunting. We are also pro-life and we back the badge, so guns must not be available to terrorists, the mentally ill, and those on the do-not-fly list. Military-style assault weapons belong in the military only.

3.     We are pro-privacy.  The government should not be eavesdropping on our phone conversations or snooping in our email without a warrant.

4.     We are pro-family. The government has no business in our bedrooms. Sexual preference is a private matter. Who we love and how we love is up to us.

5.     We are pro education. America should have the world’s best public schools. Public schools have made us a nation. We can’t afford to lose jobs overseas, and can’t afford to have other countries out compete us.

6.     We are pro-health. A healthy nation is a productive and prosperous nation. All Americans, rural or urban should have quality health care. We need to stop the big corporations, insurance companies, and drug companies from making health care unaffordable.

7.     We are pro-country.  It’s time for America to get busy rebuilding itself—roads, bridges, water and waste management facilities, and the like.

8.     We are pro transportation and communication; all Americans should be connected, and all should be able to move quickly and affordably around the country and from home to work.

9.     We are pro environment. It’s time to reclaim our fields and forests, our lakes and rivers, from polluters and exploiters. Americans deserve clean air and water, good places to hunt and fish. We, and our children and grandchildren deserve a planet that is safe from overheating.

10. We are pro jobs, and think that investment in education and training, health care, infrastructure, transportation, communication, and clean energy will create many well-paying opportunities.

11. We are pro secure borders and sensible immigration policies, and believe those living, working and paying taxes in this county should have a path to citizenship.

12. We are pro defense and pro service. America needs a strong and efficient military. All young people should have a two-year service requirement, either military or civilian (such as the Civilian Conservation Corps).

13.  We are pro universal basic income (UBI). No more welfare. Every citizen receives a basic income sufficient to meet the cost of living. Those who don’t need it or want it can turn it back in. In the face of continuing automation and foreign competition, UBI gives Americans strength and security, the ability to follow their dreams, the ability to be entrepreneurs. UBI will grow the economy.

14. We are pro fair taxes. Corporations need to pay taxes on the wealth they generate in America rather than hiding money offshore. No loopholes for billionaires. The wealthy need to pay their fair share.