Low Skies...
...with very light precip,, probably resembling rain more than snow. Still and all, perfectly acceptable for dog walking and bike riding.
Attention is shifting to Xmas, but I'm having trouble finding anything to put on my "Dear Santa" wish list (and yet, certainly, Trump has a lot more stuff than I do). I will always remember a conference (or "teach-in," or whatever you might want to call it) that I attended while at UW, at which one of the speakers was beekeeper who lived in one of the more hippie-fied areas of northwest Wisconsin (such as Viroqua). I have no idea of what became of him or if his life turned out okay, but back then he seemed to be a sage, and I was impressed by his advice. (I must have been impressed because I remember it.)
Now, what was I saying? Oh, yes, the advice.
{{( "The less you spend the less you have to make." )]}
Don't get me wrong. I like living comfortably, and I probably have more big-boy toys than almost anyone, not including you-know-who. Still and all, the advice resonates, turning, as it does, things slightly upside down.
Postscript: I've rewritten my letter to the Wisconsin Dem Party, and have used it to replace the one posted back two blogs ago. I think the new version is less abrasive and more inclusive.