Not Quite Boxing Day...

...following our wonderful not-quite Christmas.  


Snow cakes were on the breakfast menu this morning at our "snow-bound" hotel.


Spruced up spruces on the way home.

Bitter cold now, making me not want to sleep out with the wildlife. 'Musher's Secret' waxy salve on Pax's feet, but otherwise the cold seeming to invigorate him—he constantly, and uncharacteristically, tugging at the leash, and when un-leashed, shooting off like a bobsled. We walked (and ran), longer than I wanted but shorter than he did, over a stretch of deserted campus, as the sun was descending, which wasn't that much after lunch.

Tonight, here in Whitewater, we are almost at our light's end, with Daylight only 9 hours long. (Of course, it's worse further north, such as on Manitoulin.) Barometer way up high.

Hang in there, wild ones, life will improve.