Hiding Out...
...or rather, hiding in, because it was too cold out.
The doves and the squirrels take turns, just as the lion lies down with the lamb.
Somehow the birds and squirrels enjoy (survive?) the great outdoors both day and night, but me and Pax, not quite so much. Barometer way up high, and just now starting to drop. Light winds, as might be expected under a high pressure dome, but even so, the breeze had bite.
Looking back a few blogs to the lines by Tonino, which, while not Zen koans and certainly not haiku, still seemed interesting, I've decided, at the spur of the moment, to toss out a few lines of my own, possibly similar or at least in the same vein. Admittedly a bad idea, so I encourage anyone else to join me in this race to the bottom. Misery loves company.
Life is good for you and your dog when he can poop without your knowing.
It is always colder on a couch than it is walking across a frozen lake.
When you can't hear anything at all you know you have found a good place.
There is not the least bit of doubt that our ancestors were tougher than we are.
Sitting still in one place is difficult—but worth it.
Octodogs are far tastier than caviar.
I would be delighted to post other profundities here, and I encourage contributions.