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Pax prowling prairie.
Paul Krugman, economist, professor, and NYTimes columnist, posted a Thanksgiving column called, "On Feeling Thankful But Fearful." The column inspired lots of other people to contribute their thoughts along similar lines. (And with NYT, as I've said before, the comments are often as good as the column.) Below are two, which I think come close to the mark—only missing is the idea of national service, in the footsteps of the Civilian Conservation Corps(CCC).
John Babson, Hong Kong
In terms of privilege and opportunity I share so very much the observations and sentiments reflected here by Paul Krugman. Indeed I am very thankful. Having sensed some of this while young, I started my career as a U.S. Army Officer. That experience taught me that in a democracy such as ours, the first line of defense is not the military but education.
Harrison Howard, Manhattan's Upper West Side
In addition to defending the gains of the recent past, we should support (1) the transition in coal country to green and other jobs, (2) the coordination of corporations with community college students to smooth their path to employment, (3) the ongoing training of people already employed to increase their flexibility in a world that is in ever greater flux, (4) new trade pacts in which labor leaders have a seat at the negotiating table and specific guarantees of the environment and labor rights are hammered out, (5) increased government aid to college students for tuition, room and board, (6) a massive infrastructure program to be carried out over a ten year period and which would include the modernization of our urban water systems, (7) a tax reform that would help reverse the thirty year trend of growing income and property inequality but would also simultaneously address the problem of the long term deficit, (8) comprehensive immigration reform, (9) public financing of national and presidential elections, (10) redistricting of election districts by nonpartisan commissions, and(11) a gradualist plan towards universal health care. These measures could support the principles of equality of opportunity and self reliance.