Day Too Short... accomplish all the morning's worthy objectives. (Not much daylight anymore, either.)
However, Pax and I got in our first "big loop" walk (including two "obstructing dog" detours) since getting back from Manitoulin. We both felt good before, during, and after the walk. It was a perfect day for walking—invigorating north wind, and a dappled sky replete with flocks of sandhills getting an almost free ride south.
And, the garden got its fall tilling, with fall, as we now know, being the right time for tillering. Ice and snow, and frost and thaw, will finish the job, and it should be an excellent seedbed come May. (Will 22 quarts of pickled beets be gone by then?)
And, the iceboat trailer is 100% done, although with the temperature so low the paint won't dry.
Below freezing even before sunset. With the sky now completely clear, it's going to be a long, cold night—which is what you want when you have a finished iceboat trailer.