Open Water

Lots of chilly wind, but from the south.  


Recently finished reading The Martian, which, while not great literature, is a very good story filled with good science, inventive lateral thinking, and clever problem solving. Interestingly, quite a number of high school science teachers have tried to use the book in class, only to be stymied by the occasional bit of rough language. The publisher, having got wind of this, recently  issued a revised edition in which all the "*&^%$@!" words are replace by "dang" and "dratted."

Obviously, if you were abandoned alone on Mars, with little likelihood of survival, you would be more inclined to say "*&^%$@!" than "dang." But still, it is good that this book can now be part of the high school scinece curriculum.

Tonight, after a supper of tamales and pastel de elote (in prep for our Texas trip) we are gong to watch the film version of The Martian, and we have ear plugs if the language gets really bad.