Boat Swap
Jet-ski out, iceboats in.
At Roger's farm, south of Whitewater. But not the old, tried-and-true Roger, but the new Roger, whose farm backs up on the old Roger's farm, but on a different but parallel road about half a mile away.
The new Roger is a wealthy man—gorgeous farm, top quality equipment, spends his winters in Arizona. A spread that is immaculate—everything perfect: trimmed, mowed, and clipped.
Once we got the ski out of the barn and the iceboats in, we talked for about half an hour. And, lo and behold, I found that Roger is a really good guy, one who uses no-till farming, likes worms so doesn't' use pesticides or anhydrous ammonia, is opposed to mega dairies (CAFOs) and high capacity wells, and has no use for Scott Walker and D. Trump.
As a result of our congenial conversation he also gave me a discount on storage of the iceboats.