Black Flies

Yes,  there are always flies in the ointment. The black flies (aka no-seeums) come first but only last a week or so. Though tiny, they have a big bite and leave welts. Once they are done it's the mosquitoes turn, but since conditions have been dry, they may be minimally annoying this year. Once the skeeters are gone it's the horse flies, which, although nasty, can be managed by wearing, socks, long pants, and a hat. After the horseflies....


Porch work has begun (mostly Mimi). Stain, paint, battens. Also more garden planting—beans, and in pots, cilantro, basil, and the hot peppers grown last year at Pinebox.

Cocktails on the lower deck this evening.

Bright, intense sun. No humidity and no wind. We could use a little rain.