Boat Work
Sue on Heliotrope, me on Windrider. Hot work becasue of intense sun, but now launches are immanent.
Pine pollen paint.
Took a little time off boat work to train the binos on a Tamiasciurus, who was chittering now and again while working through the ash trees off the front deck. Although it was not immediately obvious, s(he) appeared to be pulling leaves that had a curled edge. Then she would hold those leaves with both hands and scrape them with her lower teeth—like a human eating an artichoke. A bit of detective work later, I came to think that she was eating eggs, the eggs of some flying insect that lays them on the underside of ash leaves. Not the emerald ash borer I'm pretty sure. Eventually, I found a number of leaves having circular masses of little yellow eggs on their underside, but still not certain if Tamia likes them sunny side up or over easy. Either way, these eggs must be a stopgap food source until the pine, spruce, balsam, and cedar start producing seeds.