Thirty Gallons...
...or more, scooped by hand, quart by quart, from Geode. In other words, a lot of rain from early morning until about noon. By late afternoon, sunny and steamy; and now, faint rumbles from afar, sending Pax to his hidey-hole.
How many eons did it take to break bedrock and bolulders down to coarse sand?
The high water has re-arranged area beaches‚which are actually undergoing constant change. Now in most places the fine, hard sand has been overlaid with coarser stuff.
UPDATE: Pax was right. Big Thunderstorm. Huge rain, perhaps the heaviest I've ever seen here.
Oh, Climate Change, let me count the ways... Feeling pretty good that we are elevated and have state of the art drainage.
Steak ala pluie.