Summery day, starting cool but warming fast.
With Sue off on her southern errands, Pax and I had the day to ourselves—for walking, bike riding...and reading.
Reading The Evolution of Calpurnia Tate, by Jacqueline Kelly. Nominally a young adult novel, it is actually a marvelous piece of literature, and I am a bit abashed at not having known of it previously. No werewolves or vampires here, instead lots of good science woven into a coming of age story. As the title suggests, the great Mr. Darwin contributes subtly to the story, which is set in the year 1899, in Fentress, Texas.
Brilliant writing by an author who is also a lawyer and a practicing physician.
Oh, to be a polymath.
Big softshell soaking up the sun on the bank of Whitewater creek.