Haze, Fog, and a Little Rain
Humid, in other words.
Gore Bay
It was hot and sweaty work, but, as time is running out, trees got planted. Three larch (tamarack), two black locust, and four Kentucky coffeetree (started from Whitewater seeds). Not that there aren't enough trees here already, but because the stand of tall, spindly ash trees between the front deck and the shore is not going to be here forever, replacements must be underplanted—or else. It will be interesting to see what the property looks like in 50 years—with any luck a few ash will remain, along with some hackberry, swamp white oak, larch, locust, and coffeetree...plus native cedar, balsam, and spruce. And, of course, poplar.
We are focused on shutdown. Though it feels like we just got here, the plan is to pull up stakes on Sunday.