At The Printer’s...

...Worzolla printing in Stevens Point, to watch KWiL Publishing's first book coming off the press (with the owner having to sign off on each run). The press used—an eight unit, four color, perfecting Heidelberg running at 18,000 impressions per hour. Four, eight-page signature sheets plus the dust jacket. (Unfortunately, each run was a bit less than a full hour, but future offerings are anticipated to require multiple hours of press time.) Ab caught a ghost image on one the the press runs, caused by an incompletely cleaned offset blanket. The head operator's response? "Great catch!" with the blanket cleaned manually, and maintenance scheduled on this multi, multi-million dollar machine.


Unfortunately, Worzolla is a very high security establishment and photography is emphatically not allowed. If it were, I would have posted shots of pallets piled with 150,000 8-page press sheets of Where the Wild Things Are—or other large stacks of Goodnight Moon, or Where the Sidewalk Ends. Etcetera.

You are known by the company you keep.
