Smoked Pie
Quite a flavor sensation, though unanticipated.
Go team
After dinner with our guests, but before Sequence, Sue served up her special apple/cranberry pie, and, while it was very good, it had a decidedly smokey flavor. (Of course, that didn’t stop anyone from devouring it.) Luckily, some of it remains…so after supper tonight the analysis will continue. And, I’m thinking that smoked pie might become a trend, or even go viral. We’ll have to see.
First glue. The mid-hull frame got epoxied today, and the two halves of the bottom got stitched. Lofting the frame turned out to be the trickiest but of measuring, and I’m hoping I got it right (it’s all about angles). Now that the bottom panels are stitched they will be opened up like a book, spread out, and then attached to the side panels and the two transoms. (At least in theory.)