Big Ice...
...but not sailable.
Lake Geneva from Fontana
If no snow there would be 100 iceboats in this photo. We made do with lunch at Gordy’s.
Still dinking around—but getting close to finishing. A bit more optional trim, seats, the skeg, paint, and that’s it.
Very strong and very light. Thinking about a trans-Atlantic crossing.
Every so often I come across a poem I like. Here’s one:
High Dangerous
Catherine Pierce
High Dangerous
is what my sons call the flowers—
purple, white, electric blue—
pom-pomming bushes all along
the beach town streets.
I can’t correct them into
hydrangeas, or I won’t.
Bees ricochet in and out
of the clustered petals,
and my sons panic and dash
and I tell them about good
insects, pollination, but the truth is
I want their fear-box full of bees.
This morning the radio
said tender age shelters.
This morning the glaciers
are retreating. How long now
until the space-print backpack
becomes district-policy clear?
We’re almost to the beach,
and High dangerous! my sons
yell again, their joy in having
spotted something beautiful,
and called it what it is.