Enough Already
Nine below last night and nine above today, with a wicked wind. We are into March, for heavens sake, and we have paid our dues. But then, look at Manitoulin where they are sending bulldozers into the woods to break trails as part of Operation Deer Save. (Kagawong photos courtesy of Don Lloyd, who snowshoed in.)
Should we grill out tonight?
Let’s go sailing.
On the way to and from Oconomowoc (where I went to take Maddie to gymnastics) I listened to an hour’s length interview with presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg. Whoa, and holy-moly. Here is a candidate I had immediately dismissed—but one I shouldn’t have. Pete is intelligent, knowledgeable, affable, funny, and engaging. He’s a fan and student of Bernie, but he far surpasses the master. His ideas, original ideas, on how to bring our country back make great sense to me. I’ve moved him up to the top of my list.
You can listen to the interview here: Pod Save America.