Looking Forward To Lemon Cake
Could be the highlight of the day. Warm and sunny, but not horrible. Mechanical cooling still necessary, and the preferred time for dog walks early and late.
And, another perspective on the house and garden…
Getting Back To School
For psychological, pedagogical, and economic reasons, kids need to be in school five days a week, with the school itself operating as close to normal as possible.
There may be a way to do this. Here are some steps that might make it possible:
1) Families wishing to attend school sign a contract agreeing to rigorous social distancing, contact tracing, and health data collection guidelines, to be followed throughout the school year.
2) All staff (and all other persons entering the building) sign the same contract.
3) All staff (and all other persons entering the building) tested weekly.
4) All students and staff required to participate in the Kinsa “WellTogether” program, which has proven to be extremely accurate and reliable. Using a smart thermometer linked to an app, students and staff are screened for symptoms at home before coming to school.
It works like this—
Students and staff take their temperature & record symptoms at home with Kinsa’s QuickCare™ smart thermometer.
Anyone who’s symptom-free receives a green light indicating they are cleared to head to school. If a fever or symptoms are detected, a red light indicates they must stay home.
Students and staff required to show their green light status before entering a bus or the building. Website here: Kinsa
5) All positives immediately contact-traced and kept in quarantine until tests show no contagion.
6) Student arrival and departure re-configured; masks mandatory outside building.