
Thirteen mile ride, the last half of which directly into a blistering gale. Wouldn’t have made it without a little supplemental amperage.


Rain last night, and then off and on mini storms this morning. Southerly gale this afternoon.

Weekly Vote Check

Wisconsin residents who have not already requested an absentee ballot received their request forms this week from the Wisconsin Election Commission. If you are planning to vote absentee, right now (or earlier) is the time to send in the request form. Better yet, go to myvote.wi.gov and request one online.

Voting absentee by mail is actually only one option, however. The other two are: voting in person on November 3, and voting in person by absentee ballot. This is what I am going to do. As soon as early voting is open at my municipal clerk’s office I’m going to be there, either using the ballot I got in response to my request, or the one provided by the clerk. Either way, I’m only gong to cast my ballot once, unfortunately.

So, here’s the question, do you and everyone you know, have your voting plan in place?