Dinner Out…

…which actually is dinner in.


Our special restaurant in Milton has daily luncheon specials which are actually more like dinners, and today we picked up a couple. As the song goes…”covid time, and the cooking is easy.”

We do think Natalie’s Restaurant will survive the pandemic.

Otherwise, I think I may have mentioned that I’ve been working on a project to establish an arboretum in the park across the street. As you might expect when the project involves a bureaucracy, things are moving slowly. So, to keep participants feeling connected and and engaged, I have been distributing a Sunday tree-related pep message every week. For months.

Now, I’m thinking that whenever I’m short on content for this bloody daily blog I might flip one of them up onto the screen. Trouble is, these weekly pep posts are PDFs which don’t quite embed in Squarespace. That means I have to create a button that when clicked on, will take you to where you want to go.
Let’s see if this works: