Well, That Was A Flop

The Whitewater Chamber of Commerce and its Economic Development Authority came up with the idea of a “Story Telling” weekend to promote the town. Various activities, such as open mic at the bandshell for people who like to talk. And things like that.

One component was intended to feature local authors—so, in a closed-off alley downtown, local authors were invited set up tables featuring their wares, and, at scheduled times, to read selections of their work. Being what some might loosely consider an “author” I agreed to participate (although pretty sure I should have been far, far away, perhaps picking up hickory nuts.)

Here’s my table. (Thanks to Sue for helping me set it up.)


Needless to say, on this chilly and very windy day, the narrow alley became a wind tunnel, and good parts of the 5 other “author’s” tables shredded and blew “from far and eve and morning, and yon twelve winded sky.”

For the three hours I was in attendance, the entire venue had a total of 3 bonafide customers, all of whom bought my books. No one else made a sale. Nonetheless, 3 of the other “authors” went up to the mic and read, although their words blew beyond comprehension before anyone in the non-existent crowd heard even a smattering of them. I caught snatches…of a monster rising out a a bay in Japan, of something intended to be poetry about something I couldn’t decipher, and then a list of a watercolor painter’s favorite colors—pretty sure red was at the top of the list.

Ah, well. Good practice, eh?