Inherit The Wind…

…as well as the heat, the storms, the fires, the floods, and the drought. Sixty-six degrees Fahrenheit here in Wisconsin ten days before Christmas.

The Walworth chapter of The Citizen’s Climate Lobby is reading Kathrine Hayhoe’s book, Saving Us, the main point of which seems to be that if we talk nicely to climate change deniers we will be able to convince them that we really are facing a crisis.

Unfortunately, I don’t know any climate deniers, so I don’t have anyone to talk to. A vocal minority, financed by polluter money, are the ones pushing climate change denial, and these misguided or morally corrupt individuals are not going to be influenced by reasonable discussion.

A sizable majority of American citizens realize that we are in the midst of a climate catastrophe. They don’t need convincing, they just need encouragement.

My suggestions for things to do:

1. Vote climate.  All candidates for public office should be thoroughly questioned on their climate position, and that position widely publicized, along with their subsequent action. 
2. Spread the word on, and help neighbors get going on, the Homegrown National Park movement.
3. Encourage, spread the word on, and buy the products of regenerative agriculture. Join the “Kiss the Ground” movement. 
4. Initiate/participate in neighborhood/community action/projects such as community solar.
5. Support environmental organizations such as: FLOW, Midwest Environmental Advocates, and The Nature Conservancy.

All the while, of course, working to reduce personal/family ecological footprint.