Model Building?

Not me—at least since high school. Never enough slack time, never enough patience.

But now, with my Santa workshopping completed and Sue still sewing, I brought out the old skipjack kit that has been lying in wait at least 20 years. (I think it might have been a present from brother John.) The glue was hard, but all the pieces seem to be present—so “heave ho, and up she rises.”

Actually, rather enjoying it. Model builders have a skillset I lack, such as pre-visualizing, applying the appropriate amount of glue, and clamping fragile little pieces—but I’m learning. Furthermore, the job requires micro-manipulation—holding and maneuvering itty bitty pieces in tight spaces, which has always given me the heebie jeebies.

But, so far, things seem to be working out, and there have been no deal breaking catastrophes; even when I glued the whole hull to the cardboard below it I was able to recover and reclaim.

Deep down I know I will hit a wall—some major component will break or be missing, or the whole thing will shatter into unrecoverable pieces, but nonetheless I will persevere, and I will exhibit the finished product—whatever it happens to be. The Chesapeake skipjack was a truly great boat, especially if you like oysters.