Snow Robins

A flock of about 50.

Photo by Sue

Photo by Sue

Hard to photograph them all, but there were many. Mostly stripping a crabapple tree up the street a bit from us. This tree has nasty fruit, and nobody eats it unless necessary. (Vi’s tasty crab, on the other hand, is bare by October.) This robin flock is a puzzle. I don’t see how they can be year-round residents, but if they are migrants, why are they here now and what do they know that I don’t? Obviously, they are reduced to eating sour apples.

And then there are the cardinals. As afternoon light faded to dusk, our (I assume) regular dozen or so came in to the feeder through the flying flakes. What about them? Do they stick together all day, or do they just gather at dusk for dinner and then perhaps a communal roost?

Wish I knew.

Photo by Sue

Photo by Sue