Chicken Express

Last night’s blog included a photo of the baby chick tub at the local True Value, where I went to grab a bag of potting soil for my 30 shagbark hickory seeds. Little did I expect that anyone would find the photo to be of interest.


However, Abby, the chicken expert, noticed it, and immediately asked me to go buy some. Apparently covid has disrupted the baby chicken supply, and chicks are hard to come by. Her standing order has been pushed back into late April.
So at 8 a.m. this morning I was at the hardware store shopping for birds. I bought four of them. I think I bought two buff orpingtons, one ameraucana, and one silver-laced polish—though the last one was supposed to be a silver wyandotte, or something like that.
Next step was to keep them alive and deliver them to the chicken farm in Cedarburg.

Note: the birds were alive and chirping when delivered.