International Crane Foundation

Visit and sales call. Trip to ICF with Tom and Mary both to explore the new facility and to see about selling Tig. Serendipitously, we met the buyer in the parking lot while walking Pax, and contrary to the normal run of things, she was not going out to lunch. Nice chat later in the store, and she now has the book for evaluation (scientific accuracy, etc.). Iā€™m optimistic.

Demoiselle crane

Demoiselle crane

When back home I checked the garden and found this:

Which is proof that squirrels are smarter than I am. My sole germinating shagbark hickory seedling, in a fenced garden and in a wire cage, scarfed down in less than a day. Frustrating. Next season, a carefully thought-out and engineered plan, perhaps including some kind of fortress. I am determined to grow hickories.