Out To Lunch…

…in Waukesha, of all places. Takeout from the Rochester Deli, a true, old fashioned, New York style delicatessen.

Hard to beat for tastiness. Tempted to try one of the DeliCakes advertised in the window, but went with a tuna melt instead.

A few hours to kill and a few errands to run while Sue’s new bike was in the shop, in Brookfield, getting a few adjustments.

Another pretend rain last night, dampening the sidewalks. Unpleasantly hot and humid and sunny today, in spite of the forecast. WiFi back, though the technician was unvaccinated and unmasked. We had a discussion as he was leaving, and I might have convinced him to reconsider his obstinance. The hard part is staying calm and being friendly. Look at me—a missionary, preaching to the heathen.