Troubleshooting and Technical Consulting

Neighbor Bill had his TV go out this morning. And Bill gets up early.
So, early this morning we got a call (he has Sue’s number) asking if I might be able to look at a malfunctioning TV.
I walked over in my slippers, and, through a process of elimination, determined that the old semi-flat screen was more than semi defunct. I suggested buying a new one, and volunteered to help set it up.
Not long after I had shuffled home, we (Sue) got another call saying that a new TV had been acquired and wondering if I might I be available to set it up.
In case anyone is tempted to do something like this, I would advise looking behind an old TV console before you begin. Besides dust bunnies, you will find a rat’s nest of wires and cables.
But, in this case, in spite of the tangle, and in spite of password problems, and in spite the need to re-scan channels and make the remote universal, Bill got to the point where he could actually watch a football game. And, it only took two hours.

The rest of the day was tame by comparison.