Squarespace Sucks

The Squarespace iPhone app has been updated and now fails to work. Complete meltdown, totally unusable. Which I find unfortunate since that is how I have done this blog since 2014.

(One might think that the Squarespace engineers would test a revised app before releasing it, but apparently not.) Anyhow, to blog now is to use the computer, and that is considerably more bother. And that, combined with my limited mobility, along with a finite supply of wisdom, is making me think that the time has come to switch from daily posts to occasional posts, like two or three a week—whenever I come up with a great photo or something worth saying. Who knows. but this could be the last daily.

I spent a good bit of time today updating the Arboretum website (which I don’t mind doing on the computer). ArbAtStarin.org