Flying Ants and Horseflies…

…(aka deer flies), are the predominant insects at the moment… which (good news) means that the black flies and no-seeums, and mosquitoes, are mostly gone. The best thing about deer flies is that they are dumb and that they will soon be history. (Note: very necessary, however, to wear a hat in deer fly season.)
Regarding the flying ants (not really sure what they are—about half an inch long, black, with wings and an ant-like appearance, who like to land on people but don’t bite (though you tend to think they might be deer-flies). Anyway, lots and lots of them, mostly along the shoreline, making a large number of gulls very happy. Dozens and dozens of gulls spent the full morning working up and down the shore, one group flying north and another flying south (sometimes missing by fractions of an inch) happily plucking the ant-like creatures out of the air (all with limited squabbling).

Very warm and windy, but the humans here still got in some new-lot cleanup, (mostly Sue) some path restoration, some lawn mowing, a good row, and a bike ride.