Big Hole

Amazing what some bubbles can do.

Photo by Bri

The air hose lies on the bottom of the lake…winter, spring, summer, and fall. But, about this time of year, when the weather is cold and the ice is thick, the Lake Association, in a desire to provide oxygen to the fish, wants to turn on the compressor, far away, on shore. First an area larger than a football field has to be roped off and marked—which we did. Then the air is turned on and bubbles start rising from the lakebed up about 20 feet to the ice above. I find it incredible that, over one night, when the temp is below zero, a few bubbles can penetrate 13 inches of ice and create a pond.

Back in Whitewater now, where Sue has done a magnificent job of clearing nearly a foot of snow from the drive and walks. Big change from clean streets bare grass a few days ago.

Here’s the action from two nights ago. (Finally got the video to work.)