Feeder Report

Busy day at the feeder.

The feeder has been busy, in spite of the relatively mild winter so far. I could easily refill it twice a day, if I was generous, but that would go through an awful lot of seed. Instead, I’ve taken to filling once, in the late afternoon. That gives cardinals, doves and other late comers a chance. Our sparrows seem most active in the morning.

A large and convivial group of sparrows this is too. They seem to have come to the conclusion that this place is the perfect place. They shelter and roost in the yew at the front of the house and make the short hop over the roof to the feeder whenever feeling peckish. In late afternoon they gather back in the yew for conversation—with lots of things to discuss apparently. Although they jam the feeder and push and jostle each other, it seems that everyone gets enough to eat, and after lunch everyone gets to express an opinion or two.

Feeder was strangely quiet this morning—perhaps a hawk about the neighborhood.