Gluttons For Punishment

The to-do list seems to grow faster than the finally-done list.

Somehow the dinghy got factored in.
Otherwise, clouds of midges are wafting about, and although they are mostly along the shoreline, the whine of the swarm can be heard all the way up at the cottage. They don’t bite but are not fun to breathe in large quantities.
Speaking of sound, as night descends here, when the wind drops and the water goes flat, absolute silence can settle in—and there are not that many places in the world where it is impossible to hear anything. Silence is one of the rare qualities of this place (although some neighbors seem to prefer fireworks). Last night was a quiet night—mostly—except for a whippoorwill who came online about ten P.M. Luckily, he was very far away so his rapid and insistent repetition wasn’t bothersome.