Excursions and Explorations

Perfect day for it—cloudless sky, middle 50s.

Sue has been going through old files and folders, organizing things and weeding out ancient detritus, and in the process came across some correspondence from May, 2011, some time before I began this blog. Here is an excerpt:

May 8, 2011
Today started out dreary and drizzly, but after our morning walk and a bit of breakfast, Pax and I went at the cedar mess again. When the rain got too heavy we came inside for a rest. We will be all done tomorrow. 
By noon we were feeling hungry, and we realized that we had absolutely nothing on hand in the way of dessert, so the logical thing was a trip to Gore Bay where we could get both lunch, and, for later (after dinner) dessert. We had lunch dockside at the Gore Bay marina, where things are starting to happen. Today was the day they hooked up the marina water system; every spigot was open and fizzing while they cleared the lines. About half the CYC boats are in the water. 
On the way home we stopped by the Kagawong river again just to view the awesome scene. The little picnic area at the start of the trail, by the bridge, is under water, and the river itself is a torrent of jade. You can see the current quite a way out into the bay. 
Back home, I installed, in the powder room, the new light fixture we got off the sale table at the Milwaukee store, and I have to say it looks perfectly fine. Sue will get used to it in about two days. It provides plenty 
of light. 
And, the sun came out just in time for cocktails (or marrow bones, if you are a dog). I took my beverage out to the porch and fired up the infrared heater. It works great. Positively radiant. 
I'm listening to country music on the radio right now (because there is nothing else), and I’m about to fire up the grill for the first time.
And for dessert…oatmeal cookies and ginger beer.