Sorted, Stowed, and Cleaned

Porch opened up and cleaned, same with the griddle (which was on the porch). Smash burgers tonight.

Rummaging through old files, Abby came across this from 2011, before, I believe, the blog was begun. Looks like I wrote more better back then.


This being a day of rest, I avoided accomplishing anything. More woods cleanup (I didn't really finish yesterday, I shamefacedly admit). Then I built a little herb-garden fence structure, not because of deer or rabbit, but because of Pax. He finds the sunny, warm, sandy soil an ideal place to camp out. I doubt deer like oregano, I know for a fact the squirrels have no interest in thyme, and there are no rabbits in the neighborhood (at least I have never seen any). Raccoons, and porcupines are not notoriously fond of sage, and although skunks might like chives and garlic, so far the garlic that was planted last fall looks fabulous. I accidently uprooted one plant as I was putting in a wee fence post, and that 6-inch tall plant is going into tonight's stir-fry.

I devoted one whole hour to a final desperate search for the missing herb seeds, but came up empty. The searching did, however, necessitate my getting into the cabin of the Santana 20 (since I might have thrown the seeds in there during the last hectic minutes of packing). What I found was not seeds, but lots of other interesting stuff, including a hand-held vhf radio. (I suspect it might work.) In addition to that, I found lots of laminated charts, graphs and data sheets, all dedicated to the idea of making the boat go fast. The previous owner, I believe, was a self-taught racer, and he tried to take all the wisdom of the masters, summarize it in graphical form, and get it laminated. I think if you take it, and then add in the cost of a handheld radio, you have what I paid for the boat (so forget about the boat...motor, trailer. sails...etc.).

Pax and I took a ride down to the end of Serendipity. No sign of anything going on there except for tire track leading into Murray and Elaine's. it is odd to go down the lane when all the hardwoods are completely bare. It looks wintery. The buds on all the shrubs and hardwoods are swollen, but none have broken open yet. Catkins are dangling on shrubs, but I can't identify them at this stage (beaked hazel nuts?). Several early-rising tree frogs have piped up, so I expect next week will be quite loud, maybe deafening. (Good thing Sue isn't here.)

On our daily run to Sandy Beach we found a bit of surf at the shore. Pax went into his mad shore-racing, wave biting routine. Then, walking back along the beach, we met Mike Farquar, who was lying on the sand in the sun, pretending it was summer. Pax gave him a nice shake.

It did feel summery. I opened some windows for the first time, to air out the place. I hooked up the outdoor shower, but found that the cheap little water mixer had either not been properly winterized, or was just cheap, so would not shut off. Replacing it is on my list for tomorrow, and then I hope the weather will permit a trial run.

So, summarizing: no driving today--didn't get in a car. Did not spend any money. Did not watch TV or listen to radio. Did not accomplish anything. Only saw and spoke to one in-person person (who was lying on the beach, lazily).

Not a bad day overall.

Once in a while.

Happy mother's day, all you mothers.

