Groceries Are Nice..

…but, apart from what is grown at home, acquiring them has become a pain.


I used to like grocery shopping the European way—stopping by a market every afternoon to see what was new, fresh, interesting, and on sale. Nowadays, not so much. In fact, nowadays we attempt to limit our grocery shopping to once every three weeks (but we sometimes fail). Although we no longer wipe down every can and cucumber, unpacking, sorting, and stashing is a major undertaking. (Thanks Sue—while I bring in, she puts away.)

After noon, over to Tom’s in Fort to photograph the last of the Tig paintings (below). On the way home, a stop at Allen Creek, as illustrated above.


Today’s Blog, Today

Remembered this time. But not a lot to consider—chilly, dark, and damp. Lots of rain last night, and now thunderstorms in the forecast.


Pax and I to the flowing well to recharge our tankards (perfect coffee water), then to the forest preserve for a look-see and a sniff. Great Lakes still full to overflowing, and fires in the west. Looks like the Spaldings might have to evacuate Estes Park.

Memory Lapse

I knew it would eventually happen. I’ll just have to pretend that this morning is really last evening.


About the time traditionally devoted to blogging I was making a presentation to the Park and Rec Board promoting the idea of an arboretum at Starin Park. The proposal was accepted, and I forgot about other responsibilities.

Above, just a portion of yesterday’s beet harvest. Looks to be a good crop.

Bright Start…

…slowly fading to evening drizzle.


Not all the trees in Starin Park are doing that well. I think I might use this poor oak on my Halloween card.

Trip to the dermatologist today, and lots of dog walks. Any guesses as to which was more enjoyable?

First day of in-person early voting in Wisconsin. Would love to go vote again, but that’s not quite possible. Just glad to know that our ballots have been received and are in safe storage at our municipal clerk’s office. Sad thing is that the Rebs have prohibited our clerk from even opening the envelopes until the polls close on Nov 3. Wonder why they would want a long delayed tabulation.

There’s a certain slant of light…

…on (autumn) afternoons…. Cold, clear air riding in a northwesterly blow. Pale, wintery light, and clouds trailing skirts of what had to be snow (although none reached the ground).


Almost nothing accomplished. A tiny bit of grocery shopping at the co-op in J’ville, and a box of old books donated to the (closed) library, a few nice walks with Pax, and a sit on the back patio wearing vests and gloves. But, in times like this, what’s wrong with that. Tamales for dinner.

Don’t Sit Under The Apple Tree…

…because as of now, there is no under.


And don’t admit you are from Wisconsin, covid hotspot and home to one of the worlds’ most dysfunctional legislatures, which, because of Republican control, has not met since April, has done nothing to support struggling businesses, and is suing the governor over his mask mandate. Of course, there is always Texas.

In the weather department—oddness. Chilly, dark and damp early on, then a building wind, eventually ripping up from the south and bringing warmer temps. Treetops still thrashing about. But we all know that this warmth will be short lived. As Ray Bradbury said, “something wicked this way comes.”

George Washington Would Understand

Busy day here. In addition to swapping screens for storm windows, we chopped down the old apple tree (yes, the very same tree Ellie and Maddie used as a reading perch two days ago).


It was horribly deformed, and growing nearly sideways in its attempt to escape the ever growing shadow of the big white oaks extending their reach ever further south. A new apple in a more propitious place will be planted next spring.


Shrimp On The Barbie

Another neighborly spaced-out back yard picnic.


Along with the shrimp, various sauces, rices, corn casserole and broccoli casserole, and some amazzing kind of chocolate/raspberry cake.
Just about dinner time the wind switched to the east and the temperature dropped. As darkness descended (as it does early now days) a deep evening chill finally broke up the party.

To be interested in the changing seasons is a happier state of mind than to be hopelessly in love with spring. —George Santayana


…seems to be my modus operandi, or perhaps my magnificent obsession. But when you have to do a daily blog, you need a crutch.

Anyway, windy and warm, very warm, unseasonably warm, but still pleasant. Except for the stink bugs and ladybugs who suspect less favorable conditions are on the way, and are invading the house.


And remember, a barometer (mine is holding steady) is an ingenious device that reveals the kind of weather we are experiencing.