
…at the end of the tunnel, but not much considering the time of year.


The day started out sunny, but got progressively cloudier until, by our late afternoon walk, conditions were dim and damp, with a windy chill. Now that daylight is in such short supply, we were actually driven to leave home for our occasional grocery shop before sunrise.

Muddling Along…

…doing mostly Elf work.


Slightly above freezing most of the day.

Reading the book Life on a Young Planet, about what things were like 3.5 to 4.5 billion years ago. Nowadays we have oxygen, and supposedly some form of intelligence, so I suppose things are somewhat improved from the Archean period. The plot is a little rocky, but who cares in the the time of covid?

Chicken Soup…

…with barley and dumplings.


This locally grown bird (from the farmer’s market) had a tare weight of 4.5 lbs., and, and as of tonight, will have provided 6 individual dinners, along with lots and lots of tasty tidbits for Pax.

And, speaking of Pax, he accompanied us over to campus this morning for our every-other-week virus test. Since he didn’t have a mask, he was denied access, and had to walk around with one of us while the other went in—but he didn’t seem to mind. By the time we got home we were notified that almost all of us had tested negative .

And, negative tests, along with several vaccines, along with chicken soup = Hope.
“Hope” is the thing with feathers -
That perches in the soul -
And sings the tune without the words -
And never stops - at all -

And sweetest - in the Gale - is heard -
And sore must be the storm -
That could abash the little Bird
That kept so many warm -

I’ve heard it in the chillest land -
And on the strangest Sea -
Yet - never - in Extremity,
It asked a crumb - of me.
—Emily D.

Boring TV…

…but reassuring outcome.


Using WisconsinEye, I watched the Wisconsin delegation of the Electoral College cast their ballots this morning. Ten or more minutes of nothing but a dozen or so people sitting spaced out and barely moving, along with an audio track of an occasional piece of paper being shuffled. Boring stuff for sure, but the result of the exercise, when it was finally announced by Governor Evers, was reassuring. It looked like nothing happened, but actually, democracy did.

Close To Home

All transportation on foot, and never more than a quarter mile from base camp.


Sue sewed bears, while I crafted cards. Among other things. Quiet, covid Sunday.


Ask Wally
Walworth County’s Certified Wiseass

Dear Wally,

I heard that Tom Tiffany, the Rep from some place in northern Wisconsin, joined with Texas in trying to get  the Wisconsin vote thrown out. Does Tiffany own oil wells in Texas or something?
—Lonely Star

Dear Lonely,

As far as I know Tiffany does not own oil wells in Texas, though he is or was in the oil business. I’m with you—thinking Longhorns are smarter than us Cheeseheads is like being for the Vikings.

No doubt Tiffany hitched a ride with the cowboys because he didn’t like the results of the last election. Also, because the legislature hasn’t met since April and hasn’t helped us with any Covid relief, he probably thought he had to do something to earn his pay.

Tiffany no doubt figures the votes he got in some election qualify him to be a state representative. But now that’s he’s in there, he’s had enough of Wisconsin voting nonsense. And who needs democracy when we’ve got Tiffany?

I kinda wish he’d move to Texas though. Or better yet, maybe we could try to vote him out. What do you think?

So long, and thanks for all the fish.



Maybe just a preview, maybe the real thing. In any case, about 3 inches needing the attention of a shovel (after quite a bit of rain).


On the Covid front, it appears that the vaccine is in delivery. Unfortunately, just a small quantity. But then, the Moderna version should be along soon. Considering all the factors, I am going to predict a personal vaccination on Valentine’s Day. (And then a quick trip to the Minocqua Brewing Company for a beer and a burger in a pub [to celebrate vaccines and an anniversary].)

On the Star Spangled Banner front, the more than 100 Republicans who signed on to the the suit attempting to dissolve our democracy need to be pilloried, tarred-and-feathered, and removed from office at the earliest possible opportunity. Although these ( turds, scumballs, douche bags, Quizlings, ???) hold their position of power as a result of votes, they now think voters don’t matter. They think that a tiny group of them—old, white, rural men should have the power to decide who is president of the US—instead of us.
I highly recommend this article in which Senator Chris Murphy explains: Chris Murphy’s floor speech.

Bike To The Basement…

…in light of snow falling outside. I figure an e-bike, with battery and electronics, will do better if not frozen solid.


Snow yes, but nothing like the forecast. Anticipating the worst, I got the big snowblower started up, lubricated, and inflated (tires at least), but it is now becoming clear that my advance preparations were not really necessary.

Busy day at the bird feeder, regardless.

Enjoy It While It Lasts

Hard frost last night, but to the mid 50s by afternoon. Perfect for prairie walk and long bike ride.


Here, half of a wild black cherry tree, along a path at the prairie edge, likely brough down in our most recent wind event.


And here, part of a crowd of kids taking advantage of the weather at the roller park.

But today could be the last of it. Forecast looking wintery.

Wide Detours…

…on walks and bike ride. Sun and warmth and lack of wind brought people out. Pax and I took wide detours to avoid them—social distancing writ large.


Here’s a bell choir practicing for something, possibly a Christmas performance, somehow, somewhere.

We had lunch with neighbors Phil and Jane, spaced out, on the back patio.

Still trying to figure out why Republicans are trying to end American democracy.

Mostly About Food

Early morning shop. A real pain, but done infrequently nowadays. Some writing for the GroCo. And for dinner, home made squash soup, along with cornmeal, cheddar, scallion, jalapeño waffles.


Another chilly, gray day. …Also…
The second person to get the vaccine today in England was named William Shakespeare. If the first person was patient 1A, was he 2B, or nor 2B?

Not Long After…

…the frost is on the pumpkin, the boats come out of the barn. And this year, there was lots of help at Roger’s farm.


After the farming, we all went over to the Natureland park at the south end of Whitewater Lake for some refreshment (including splashing round in a creek, picking and tasting watercress, and treats prepared by Mimi.) Thanks to Mimi for most of the good photos in this blog.


…from utility trailer to Santa sleigh. In other words, trailer to Cedarburg to assist with elf work.


And, waiting on the doorstep when we got home, proof copies of the book. It will be interesting to see if this thing can fly (in other words, will it be accepted by the scientific community and the birding community, or will it be laughed out of town.) Here’s hoping.
